All on 4 Treatment

Revitalize Your Smile with Permanent Dentures

All-On-4® utilizes four precisely positioned dental implants to securely anchor dentures in place permanently. These implants are strategically tilted at a 45-degree angle, offering robust support for comprehensive rehabilitation. By strategically avoiding areas of the jawbone that are typically of lower quality, the need for bone grafting is often eliminated, allowing for prosthesis fitting within days of surgery.

With All-On-4®, say goodbye to slipping or clicking dentures. Experience the assurance of permanence and enjoy enhanced health benefits. These implant-supported permanent dentures not only provide stability but also aid in preventing bone deterioration, promoting long-term health and vitality.

Discover the All-On-4® procedure in action with our informative video, courtesy of Nobel Biocare®.

What are the benefits of All-On-4?
  • Easy home care and oral hygiene
  • No frustrating removable appliances
  • Fast recovery time
  • Eat whatever you want
  • Speak with confidence
  • In most cases, there is no need for bone grafting
  • Long-term permanent results
  • Improve your quality of life

Both traditional dental implants and the All-On-4 approach offer effective long-term solutions for permanent tooth replacement. Specifically designed for patients missing a significant number of teeth in either the upper or lower jaw, All-On-4 implants are particularly suited to address such cases.

Patients with inadequate jawbone structure for traditional implants can also find relief through the All-On-4 method, as it strategically places implants to circumvent the need for bone grafting.

In contrast to traditional implants, which necessitate one implant per tooth, All-On-4 implants require only four implants per arch. These implants are angled to optimize contact with the gums and jawbone. Composed of small titanium screw-like posts, they are surgically embedded directly into the jawbone, providing a sturdy foundation for personalized dental restoration or prosthetic teeth.

With fewer implants required per arch, the All-On-4 technique streamlines the procedure and reduces both the duration of the operation and the recovery period.

All-On-4 dental implants offer an excellent solution for individuals who have lost most or all of their upper or lower teeth. To be eligible for All-On-4 implants, adequate bone support in the jaw is essential.

Patients who have worn dentures for an extended period may find that they lack the necessary bone support for successful All-On-4 implant placement. Moreover, prolonged tooth loss can lead to bone deterioration, further complicating implant placement.

As a result, individuals with weakened bone structure may require additional bone grafting procedures to effectively prepare the jaw for dental implant placement.

Missing teeth can lead to various issues, including the rapid loss of adjacent teeth and a decrease in self-confidence. Dental implants provide a permanent solution for those with missing or decayed teeth, restoring dental function, facial appearance, and overall oral health.

Beyond enhancing your smile’s aesthetics, dental implants simulate the natural tooth root, supporting bone and soft tissues beneath the gum line. They can effectively strengthen tissues and improve overall dental health, providing a lasting solution to tooth loss.