Cavities & Fillings

At Smile Arc Dental Group, we offer various types of fillings for addressing dental issues: amalgam (silver) fillings, composite (plastic, white) fillings, and porcelain fillings. A filling serves as a solution to repair a tooth damaged by a cavity. Our dentists begin by removing the cavity, cleaning the infected area thoroughly, and then filling the space with the appropriate filling material. We’ll assess which material is best suited to fill the space, but you’re welcome to request a specific filling material as well. Below are descriptions of the different filling materials we offer:

Amalgam (Silver) Fillings

Our office no longer places amalgam fillings. Biological removal of amalgam fillings is available by request.

Composite (Plastic) Fillings

These fillings are made in several color shades, allowing the dentist to fill the space with a shade that perfectly matches the patient’s tooth.

Porcelain Fillings

These fillings are called inlays or onlays and are custom-made in our very own lab. They are then bonded to the tooth, match the color of your natural teeth, resist staining, and have a longer lifespan than composite or amalgam fillings.